I hate cell phones , not much so for their constant buzzing , but for their intrusion into my mail space. Don't know if some agency has done the homework , but the mail traffic( I mean personal mails from personal ids to personal ids) has definitely reduced over the last 1 year. SMS, missed calls, Picture messages life seems to revolve around 50 characters on an 1/2 " screen. Agreed, voices are more personal , but the feeling of Inbox(1),Home(1),Him(10) on my welcome screen was a lot more exciting than beep - 1 message... Read. My grandma would beg to differ, she'll give anything to smell the glue( maida paste) on the envelope , and faded ink letters than read in typeface Times New Roman.
I was 15 when i registered myself at a free mail site.It was right after the first day first show of "You have got mail".Everyday ,I would rush to check my inbox for a soul mate or soul stirring words. When in college,it was the cheapest mode of contact with home.Work changed it all.anuradha@organisation.com was full of memos,reminders,why this ,why that or simply a call me at..................
I miss mail , I miss typing and scrolling down recipes which my Mom used to send.GOD !!! Will someone please mail meeeeeeeeee.......... |